Diabetes Complete Care

Diabetes Complete Care offers a range of services for people with Diabetes

Diabetes Complete Care

Diabetes Complete Care offers a range of services for people with Diabetes

Diabetes Complete Care

Diabetes Complete Care offers a range of services for people with Diabetes

Diabetes Complete Care offers a wide range of services for people with Diabetes, their family members and carers.

We have a Nurse Practitioner, Credentialed Diabetes Educators, Dietitians and a Podiatrist who will help you to understand and manage your diabetes in partnership with your GP or Endocrinologist. We can provide education for your family and carers too as well as education for aged care facility staff, NDIS providers, school staff, out of hours school care providers and early learning centres.

Diabetes Complete Care is credentialed at all private hospitals on the Sunshine Coast for inpatient consultations.

What We Offer

Diabetes Complete Care can provide you with the information to increase your knowledge about diabetes. We will teach you the skills you need and coach you to become the expert in managing your diabetes.

Live well, Keep well, Be well.

Managing All types of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Diabetes in Pregnancy, Steroid induced Diabetes.

Diabetes Technology

New pump starts and upgrades, Continuous glucose monitoring and ongoing education and Support of all types of Diabetes technology.

Carer and Staff Education

Diabetes management education for your team. 


Medication Review and Management

Whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes we can teach you to understand your medications and identify the adjustments you can make to your medication/insulin and lifestyle factors to achieve the best results for your health.

Weight loss Management

Together with our dietitians, we will support you in your goals to achieve good health at any age.


Telehealth appointments are a great option if you can’t attend an appointment in person.

Join the Diabetes Complete Care Community

We only send you the good stuff:

[email protected]
Tel: (07) 5338 7178
Fax: (07) 5335 1625